Tuesday, October 8, 2013

If Grant could have a super power...

I have a few characters. Barely a handful that people may know. Fewer if truth be told. To say I'm fledgeling is a gross oversimplification. I am still an unknown. In the world of Logans, and Alans, and Scotts, and Yorks, I am smaller than a newbie. But I am here and so are my characters.
Today's Topic Tuesday question is (as one of your characters) What would your super power be?

I've considered this. I've turned it over and over. I've asked ALL my people. First, no one wanted to answer. They are all happy with being who they are. They have no desire for something to make them stand out for any reason. They live, love, and play as themselves. They all informed me it's what you do with what you have that matters, not what you wish you could do.

So, I begged. What else was I to do? I told them Jeff would be put out with me if I didn't come up with something. (They each thought that rather humorous and had a fine chuckle over it. At least until Mama Vaughn jumped on them. They listen to her. Me...not so much.)

I whined and cajoled. Begged some more, and pleaded. I promised things you couldn't imagine if they would simply stop being hardheaded and help a sista out. Once again...that was funny. Finally, Grant stepped up. Thank the Goddess for the older, mature crowd. I'm positive he grew tired of hearing me cry.

When asked what his super power would be, Grant informed me it wasn't a super power per se, but longevity. If he had a longer life expectancy, perhaps he wouldn't have such an issue with the age gap between he and Wilson. It wouldn't be such a battle within himself to start a long term, meaningful relationship with a man 20 years his junior.

I can understand his sentiment. He's reached his halfway mark in life. At 45, he's seen and done more than Will has in 25 years. He is afraid. It takes a brave soul to step to the edge and take the leap. 

Check out these characters and what their power would be:

Jeff Adkins, Jp Barnaby, Joelle Casteel, and Monique Thompson 


  1. I love it. Long life hell I want that. Grant go get your long life and young man.

  2. So now reading as I'm in between drinks- today is a day that rum is my friend lmao- but I love Grant's answer. As a woman living with my own age difference (and my Master is only 8 years older than me), I can empathize with him.
    I giggled at your description of trying to get your characters to behave. I was so grateful that The Queen decided to help me, but then telepathy was an easy one for him :D
