Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Theme Song? I can haz theme song?

It's Topic Tuesday once again, and this week my friend and fellow loon, Jeff Adkins, has suggested What would be your theme song? as our topic for today. Now this becomes a bit of a mess from where I'm standing. "Why?" you may ask. Well, mainly because I haven't a clue as to what my theme song may be, much less what it is.

Not a clue. I've listened to songs half the morning, all day yesterday, and I still got nada. Zip. Zilch. Nothing. Does this mean I'm not theme song worthy? Do I just not recognize mine? Am I over thinking this? The answer is probably "Yes." Pick a question. This answer is probably right no matter which you ask.

I went so far as to ask my oldest child what my theme song would be. Her reply? Hmm...good question. Yes, this helped mommy sooo much. So, I'm back to square one...What the hell is my theme song?

There are tons of songs I love. Tons of songs I can listen to over and over again. (Repeat 1 was crafted solely with me in mind. True story.) But none of this helps with the issue at hand.

What would be my theme song? What song would sum me up? Or should it be what song helps me to remember I'm worthy and worthwhile? What song motivates me to be the best I can be?

I think if the question is posed as one of the last two questions, then my answer is easy: Little Bird by Annie Lennox. The song is beautiful. The words inspiring and a reminder we are not alone on this journey of life.

Annie Lennox Little Bird video*

We all have self-doubts, but we, also, all have dreams and aspirations.  The question is what do we do about it. Do we wring our hands and wish for something better, or do we find the courage and the strength to make it happen?

As for my theme song? I'm still trying to figure that one out. Maybe I'll find one. Maybe I won't. But I think as long as I remember this one, I may be able to find the strength and courage to be all I can.

*writer's note:  Little Bird is the copyrighted property of Annie Lennox.


  1. What a beautiful song. You are worthy of symphonies to be written in your honor never forget that!

  2. Lovely song. Reading your comments, Kimber, I wonder if we could all almost write our own theme songs :D though I'm not sure if writing mine would work any better than the almost a dozen I put on my post for this topic :D
